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  • 94
    Dev update - What we are working on
    Hey everyone. I wanted to provide a quick update on what we're currently working on in the near term.
    1. [Released] We are in the process of adding two additional post types to improve the creation experience and how posts are displayed. We will introduce a "Link" type that will show a thumbnail of the provided link, and an "Image" type that will simplify the upload process and optimize post sizing in the feeds.
    2. [Released] We are also working on enhancing the layout of the posts to place more emphasis on the titles. This will make it easier to skim through the content while scrolling through our feeds.
    3. [Released] We will be updating the feed filters on the "Home" page to allow filtering based on either "Activity" or "Recent," with "Activity" being the default. Currently, the "Popular" tab displays posts with the most likes across the entire platform. This is not an accurate representation of the activity levels on the platform, so we are prioritzing this change.
    4. Another priority for us is developing moderation tools. We have a comprehensive list of tooling that we plan to build out, and it is one of our primary focuses.
    If you haven't seen it yet, we have an expanded roadmap list that we constantly update with our long-term vision for the platform. As the site gains popularity, we intend to bring on more developers to help speed up the delivery of items on this list.
    Please let us know if there is anything important to you or your community that we should add, and we can look at prioritizing it.
    Is RSS available or planned?
    Both from a user perspective of getting notified of new posts in specific communities and of private DMs/replies/username mentions (keeping track of what you've already seen, and being able to filter out content based on keywords/topics that you aren't interested about)
    And also from a mod perspective of being able to keep track of your community - new posts, reports, filtered content, modmail, etc. (ideally with a high enough default amount of items that arrive in the feed or a way to increase the amount like adding "?limit=100" on reddit)
    When do you estimate that most of the features on your roadmap will be implemented?
  • 3
    White labeling
    Hi, are there any plans to offer a custom branded solution?
    Hey, would you be able to expand on what you are looking for in regards to custom branding?
    Just to follow up, we recently added the ability to upload a custom banner image for your community. That should help with personalization a bit
  • 10
    Can't Change my Community Category
    I'm trying to change my community category from Media to Lifestyle, but the change will not stick, even though it says the change was saved.
    Hey, thanks for reporting that. We will put out a fix shortly
  • 94
    Community Voice Chatrooms
    We are excited to share that we've launched the ability to create voice chatrooms within your community.
    To create a voice room:
    1. Navigate to your community and click on the "Voice" tab in your community sidebar
    2. Click the "Create voice room" button
    3. Add a name for the room and click "Submit"
    4. Click on the room in the list to join and start chatting
    We are looking forward to hearing feedback on how we can improve this feature. Our intention with this is to help make the migration from other platforms as seamless as possible.
  • 94
    Add clout score to posts
    Priority: High
    To better determine and indicate the relevance of content, we plan to add a "clout" score to the posts themselves. Currently only users have a clout score.
    The clout of a given post would be determined based on an aggregate of things like the number of likes, bumps, and comments on it. We want this score to be a reflection of the overall engagement on the post.
    Once implemented, we then plan to use this score across the app for determining which posts are "trending" and relevant for display.
    Even further, we are also exploring the idea of applying a clout score to the communities which would likely be an aggregate of the clout scores of the posts from within them.
  • 4
    Is there a way to embed links to things like articles, similar to what Reddit has? Or do you have to put the link in as text?
    Hey, just to confirm, do you mean like having it display a thumbnail when posting a link?