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  • 94
    Dev update - What we are working on
    Hey everyone. I wanted to provide a quick update on what we're currently working on in the near term.
    1. [Released] We are in the process of adding two additional post types to improve the creation experience and how posts are displayed. We will introduce a "Link" type that will show a thumbnail of the provided link, and an "Image" type that will simplify the upload process and optimize post sizing in the feeds.
    2. [Released] We are also working on enhancing the layout of the posts to place more emphasis on the titles. This will make it easier to skim through the content while scrolling through our feeds.
    3. [Released] We will be updating the feed filters on the "Home" page to allow filtering based on either "Activity" or "Recent," with "Activity" being the default. Currently, the "Popular" tab displays posts with the most likes across the entire platform. This is not an accurate representation of the activity levels on the platform, so we are prioritzing this change.
    4. Another priority for us is developing moderation tools. We have a comprehensive list of tooling that we plan to build out, and it is one of our primary focuses.
    If you haven't seen it yet, we have an expanded roadmap list that we constantly update with our long-term vision for the platform. As the site gains popularity, we intend to bring on more developers to help speed up the delivery of items on this list.
    Please let us know if there is anything important to you or your community that we should add, and we can look at prioritizing it.
    Is RSS available or planned?
    Both from a user perspective of getting notified of new posts in specific communities and of private DMs/replies/username mentions (keeping track of what you've already seen, and being able to filter out content based on keywords/topics that you aren't interested about)
    And also from a mod perspective of being able to keep track of your community - new posts, reports, filtered content, modmail, etc. (ideally with a high enough default amount of items that arrive in the feed or a way to increase the amount like adding "?limit=100" on reddit)
    When do you estimate that most of the features on your roadmap will be implemented?
  • 94
    Add "Home" page
    Priority: Low/Medium
    One thing we'd like to add is the addition of a "home" page to function as the landing page of the app. On this page we plan to build a content feed that shows you posts from across each community that you are a member of or follow.
    Some ideas for the algorithm of the feed would have it showing primarily the trending posts from within the communities that you follow (Trending posts are determined by the piece of content reaching a certain clout score threshold). In addition, we plan to show every post made from the creators of the communities that you are a part of.
  • 94
    Roadmap update
    Just wanted to start by saying welcome to all our new communities and users! Happy to have you on the platform and we are excited to have you all join us on this crazy venture.
    We've been collecting a ton of feedback over the past week and I wanted to do a quick post outlining what our biggest priorities are in terms of development. Nothing in this list is static, and we are always open to feedback from the community on what everyone thinks is best for us to prioritize and work on.
    1. Community moderation tooling
      1. We will build out an extensive moderation dashboard that display's a list of things to review from each community that a user moderates. Whenever a post is reported or flagged it will appear here for the user to review.
      2. Add a customization option to boards where an admin can configure them so that every new post within the board has to first be approved by a moderator to appear in the feed. These posts would seamlessly appear as part of the new moderation dashboard page.
      3. Integrate with AI to automatically scan every new post and comment for things that go against our content guidelines. Flagged posts would need to be approved by a moderator before appearing.
      4. Add a "Community guidelines" page to each community that the admins and mods can use to outline what they define as acceptable discourse.
      5. Add the ability for mods to ban users from the community and issue timeouts.
      6. Add "Modmail"
      7. [Released] Add the ability for mods to move posts from one board to another
    2. Adding NSFW filters to both posts and communities
      1. We want to foster an open community accepting of all forms of content. To implement this properly, we need tagging and filtering in place to ensure that users aren't accidentally exposed to content they don't want to see.
      2. We will be introducing a NSFW category on the "Browse" page for communities to list under. Communities where the primary theme is NSFW will be required to mark themselves as such and list under that category. We will be adding a section to our community guidelines describing this (see below for more on the community guidelines).
      3. For all other communities, you will still be able to create and flag individual posts as being NSFW. These posts will be blurred out in the communities feeds and require clicking through a confirmation modal to access.
      4. We will also be adding a global "Show NSFW" toggle that allows users to completely hide all content tagged as such.
    3. Custom community personalization and branding
      1. [Released] Add the ability to upload a custom community banner image.
      2. Add the ability to add a custom background image.
      3. Add the ability to add custom themes.
      4. Add the ability for a community to set custom emojis
    4. Improve the "Home" page
      1. Add a feed that only shows posts from communities that you follow. Would prioritize posts from the community owners/mods so they can get their messages out.
      2. Build a post recommendation algorithm to have a feed that shows posts related to content/communities that you view.
    5. Add ability to purchase post and comment awards
      1. The revenue from this would be shared with the community owners.
    6. Add ability to buy gifted memberships for a community
      1. For communities that opt in to monetization, we plan on adding the ability for users to purchase "gifted memberships" modeled after Twitch.
      2. The proposed way gifting would work is the system would keep track of every user that visits a community and would first assign gifted memberships to those users. When gifting in a community that does not yet have enough unique visitors in relation to the amount of memberships gifted, the system would randomly assign the gifted memberships to other users from across the app.
      3. Users who get gifted a membership would receive a notification message alerting them that they have been assigned a membership to that community. Our thinking is that this would help draw those users into the community which would help with community growth.
    7. Add ability to create multiple communities under one account
    8. Add support for Instagram / Tik-tok embeds in posts
    9. Add tiered membership options to allow communities to create customized membership plans.
      1. Allow community owners to associate the plans with various access levels and actions within the community such as restricting content and boards behind the membership tiers.
    10. Add filters to boards and browse page to sort by different constraints
    11. Add user created sub-categories to our categories on our "browse" page
      1. This will improve the discoverability of communities as you will be able to further narrow down your search based on specific niches and topics.
    12. Add light mode theme
    13. [Released] Add code blocks when creating a post/comment
    14. Add ability to add community polls
    15. Add ability to "pin" posts to a board
    16. Improve the user profile page
      1. The design for this page needs a refresh. It's one of the older pages of the app and hasn't been touched in a while.
      2. Add the users post and comment history to the page.
    17. Add ability to transfer ownership of a community
    18. Add ability to rename a community
    19. Add ability to hide communities/posts from appearing on the browse/home page
    20. Add comment "lines" that help show which replies belong to which comment
    21. Add RSS support to communities
      1. Look into offering an integration with our moderation tooling
    22. [Released] Show "OP" indicator on comments
    23. Add ability to view posts in boards in "Compact" mode
    24. [Released] Add "Link" and "Image" post types
      1. This will help make it easier for us to format the content to do things like showing a thumbnail for links and sizing the images.
    While we have other stuff we plan to implement, this is just a list of some things on our immediate horizon. We look forward to hearing from the community on what else they'd like to see.
    I'm going to spend some time soon and put together a community guidelines document. I would have liked to have had this in place sooner, but the Reddit news caught us a bit by surprise and forced our hand into launching a bit quicker than expected. Stay tuned.
    Looking good so far!
  • 94
    Notification system
    Priority: Medium/High
    We intend to prioritize building a notification system that shows different events that happen relating to your user when using the app.
    Some examples of events that we intend to show notifications for are:
    • When someone purchases you a membership to a community
    • When someone likes or comments on your post
    • When one of your pots goes trending
    • When you are assigned or removed a role within a community
  • 94
    Add clout score to posts
    Priority: High
    To better determine and indicate the relevance of content, we plan to add a "clout" score to the posts themselves. Currently only users have a clout score.
    The clout of a given post would be determined based on an aggregate of things like the number of likes, bumps, and comments on it. We want this score to be a reflection of the overall engagement on the post.
    Once implemented, we then plan to use this score across the app for determining which posts are "trending" and relevant for display.
    Even further, we are also exploring the idea of applying a clout score to the communities which would likely be an aggregate of the clout scores of the posts from within them.
  • 94
    Moderation tooling
    One of our biggest priorities is expanding our moderation tooling. This post is mean't to give some insight into what we have planned.
    1. Build out an extensive moderation dashboard within each community. Whenever a post is reported or flagged it will appear here for the community admins and mods to review.
    2. Add a customization option to boards where an admin can configure it so every new post within the board has to first be approved by a moderator to appear in the feed. These posts would seamlessly appear as part of the moderation dashboard page.
    3. Integrate with AI to automatically scan every new post and comment for things that go against our content guidelines. Flagged posts would need to be approved by a moderator before appearing.
    4. Add a "Community guidelines" page to each community that the admins and mods can use to outline what they define as acceptable discourse.
    These are just some of the initial ideas we have. We look forward to hearing from community owners what types of things they are looking for to make their lives easier.