


A place to ask questions and have an admin answer
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    What happened to image linking?
    Hi! What happened to image linking? We used to have the ability to link a URL, which has now been replaced with only the ability to upload images. Will there be a future update to reimplement URL linking?
    Hey there!
    If you paste an image link into your post it will automatically be embedded, we'll be updating the toolbar in the future so that you have the option to choose upload or paste an image link. Hope that helps!
  • 3
    White labeling
    Hi, are there any plans to offer a custom branded solution?
    Hey, would you be able to expand on what you are looking for in regards to custom branding?
    Just to follow up, we recently added the ability to upload a custom banner image for your community. That should help with personalization a bit
  • 2
    Question about monetizing and creators.
    I just join because of the whole Reddit situation. I was a mod for a very small group. Myself and 2 mods from fairly larger groups are currently on Discord but this looks like a much better place for our needs.
    My question is if there are 3-4 content creators working together is it easy to split money made from subscribers or does it all go to one person and that person needs to distribute it. Same question but for donations.
    Hey Pookie. Thanks for your interest in the app.
    Currently we only support doing payouts to the community owner, so all the revenue made via memberships and post bumps would go to them and they would then have to distribute it. As far as donations go, as a community owner you can link any PayPal address and whenever someone makes a donation it would go directly to that account. In terms of donations, the money never hits our system.
    We've been having talks internally about building out a system as you described where multiple people per community could go through our KYC (know-your-customer) process and be eligible for receiving a cut of the revenue which would be handled programmatically. In such a system, we'd likely make it customizable so that the community owner could decide what percentages of the revenue to assign to each participant.
    We'd love to get some feedback on what an ideal system would look like before building anything. If it's something that there's demand for, we could certainly look at prioritizing it.
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    I feel like it’s around somewhere but can’t find it. I’m on mobile and when I click on “Browse” I feel like I should have a search field somewhere.
    Thanks for bringing it up. We don't currently have search on mobile; It was definitely an oversight. We will prioritize adding that soon.
    Currently our search only searches for communities by name, however we also want to also include post titles and eventually by the content as well. We will probably add the version that we currently have and look at expanding on what you can search by in a later release.