
  • Aisedhorian
    1.Back vowels dominant 
    2.Unrounded Vowels dominant 
    3. head-final
    4. Feminine dominant
    5. Indefinite articles
    6. Syllable prominence measured by duration
    7. Language has alphabet and syllabary
    8. Verb+Verb+Verb+Subject+Object
    9. Language consists of different codes for private and public but they are still the same language
    10. Post positions over prepositions
    11. Analytic more than inflectional
    12. Periphrases important
    13. Words change depending on their syntactic role in a sentence
    14. Script written left to right 
    15. Verbs longer than nouns
    16. Consonant over vowels
    17. Vowels at end of word
    18. Language both spoken and written
    19. Language does not distinguish inclusive or exclusive in regards to the listener
    20. Non pro drop language
    21. Type of sharp pine cone or staff used to write the script
    22. Dash-subword used as inflectional ending of verbs used consistently to indicate number-tense and aspect
    23. Ergative-absolutive alignment
    24. Abstract and personal words are a separate word type ppp
    25. In speech very short word separation in writing higher word separation 
    26. Average word length is long
    27. Is spoken by sapient rodents
    28. Alphabet letter count is high
    29. Large amount of grammatical fusion 
    30. Double, triple  and Quadruple consonants   exist
    31. Among the vowels are double contrasting diphthongs and repeating vowels
    32. Vowels are high pitched
    33. Language word stem is long
    34. Language is syllable heavy
    35. Words are phonetically segmented , thus the first letter (of the word) is highly indicative of which segment it is part of
    36. Humming plays role in Aisedhorian language
    37. Body language plays role in Aisedhorian language 
    38. Smell plays role in Aisedhorian language
    39. Clicks play role in Aisedhorian language
    40. Teeth plays role in Aisedhorian language
    41. In some slangs the use of a morpheme depends on what word is to the left or right of it
    42. High typological number 
    43.Language can express the same thing in a number of different ways
    44.reduplication is common for emphasis on plurality.
    45.use of infixes for grammatical marking 
    46.Tonal Language 
    47. Noun classifiers are used 
    48. Iconic words and Ideophones are common 
    49. nonconcatenative morphology
    50. Use of evidentiality markers
    51. Use of honorifics and politeness levels
    52. Intonation patterns carry semantic meaning
    53. Rich system of Onomatopoeic expressions
    54. Use of compounding to create new words 
    55. Language has rich system of proverbs and idiomatic expressions 
    56.presence of irregular verb forms
    57. Use of infixes and circumfixes 
    58. Language incorporates whistling 
    59. Language changes occur rapidly in the language 
    60. Expresses causality through verb chaining
    61. Use of paralinguistic clues to convey emotion and intent
    62. T–V distinction present
    63. Chirping used in Aisedhorian language
    64. Scratching among the techniques used for entertainment and making new sounds and music
    65. Aisedhorian personal names have a name for the month they were born, a name for the features of the life or profession like “conquerer”, and name for the family unit they are apart of, and a personal name [personal name] [month of Birth] [profession] [Family Unit]
    66. Squeaks used in pronouncing verbs 
    67. Ejective consonants used
    68. use of tone and pitch to convey meaning
    69. use of gesture in Aisedhorian communication prominent 
    70. Nouns pronounced with chirping
    71. Dual number present
    72. Incorporation of sign language
    73. Pervasive metaphors used
    74. Vowel harmony present
    75. Redundancy present in grammatical marking
    76. Non-linear writing system
    77. Infixation used for derivation
    78. Highly inflectional verbal system
    79. Narrative tense present
    80. Polypersonal agreement present
    81. Grammatical gender present
    82. Gender agreement
    83.Number Agreement 
    84. Case Agreement 
    85. Person agreement
    86. Politeness agreement
    87. Alphabet has 93 letters 88. “Some sounds are only produced through breath, teeth chattering, or tail twitching” interesting 
    89.Gender, number, possession, and case agreements must all align in a sentence 
    90.verb-initial word order is also possible for emphasis. 91.• Aisedhorian has a noun classifier system and uses iconic words, ideophones, and gestural vocabulary. Smell, taste, touch, hearing, and Balance also inform Aisedhorian communication. 
    92.The Aisedhorian language distinguishes more than 20 different grammatical genders
    93. Hooting plays role in Aisedhorian language
    94. Cooing plays a role in Aisedhorian language 95. The presence or lack of spaces in written text has significance on the meaning of the word -Jdjfnf isn’t the same as —sodifhf
    96. There is a genre of aisedhorian art that involves using paint and tails 
    97. Paper uses film or something similar to Aluminum foil
    98.  Lots of dots used in aisedhorian script 
    99. Aluminum Origami used in record keeping 
    100. Lots of Linguistic influences from the speakers conquered peoples 
    101. Local Shaysharan(sapient snake) influence seen in Aisedhorian 
    102. Place names usually 10-20 letters long
    103. Dual case system 
    104. Evidentiality markers 
    105. Logographic writing system
    106. Tone Sandhi
    107. Numbers included in the 91 letter alphabet
    108. Paper includes stuff made from wood
    109. Paper includes stuff written on large sea stars
    110. Paper includes stuff written on seashells
    111. Paper includes stuff made from coral
    112. Paper includes stuff made from rubber 113. Retroflex consonants present in Aisedhorian
    114. Ejective consonants present in Aisedhorian
    115. Fusional morphology where a single morpheme represents multiple grammatical categories
    116. Language ascribes grammatical gender based on the sensual properties of smell sound taste and touch
    117. Sound significance and phonosemantics important
    118. Script makes use of dots colors and modifying marks to convey additional meaning when attached to logo graphs or syllables
    119. Language has a large amount of professional jargon that makes its way and merged with the main language
    120. Sexual metaphors common in lang and logograph
    121. Redundant non crucial Featural writing system and alphabets exist possibly for translation purposes
    122. Claw scratching and biting one method of writing 123. Speakers of Aisedhorian are of diverse linguistic background
    124. There is so many phonemes that it is disputed how  many Phonemes are in Aisedhorian
    125. Language dominates a continent consisting of island chains like earth Oceania but bigger
    126. Aisedhorian rodents sniff each others butts
    127. Scent of words can influence meaning
    128. Aisedhorian has a vigesimal (base 20) numeral system.
    129.Aisedhorian has an inclusive/exclusive distinction in pronouns.
    130. A variety of evidentials, like visual, nonvisual, inferential, etc.
    131. register distinctions, e.g. frozen, formal, informal, sacred styles.
    132. inclusive/exclusive distinction in pronouns
    133. Taste is a redundant aspect of the language
    134. Linguistic  academies influence development of the language play role in determining proper grammatical use 
     135. There is a script  for long term preservation designed to make texts readable no matter the future changes in language a archive script or historians script
    136. Word order flexibility or  modifications of factor 8 are present
    137. Tone Cantour is present In Aisedhorian
    138. Synthetic compounds are present in Aisedhorian
    139. Metathesis is present In Aisedhorian
     140. Phonemic stress is used to distinguish between words that have the same sequence of sounds but different meanings
    141. Clusivity is present in Aisedhorian
    142. Switch-reference markers used to indicate whether the subjects of two clauses are the same or different.
    143. Aisedhorian incorporates  grammatical mood markers to express the speaker's attitude towards the action or state being described
    144. Aisedhorian uses relative clauses to provide additional information about nouns or noun phrases
    145. Serial verb constructions enable multiple verbs to  be combined in a single clause to express complex actions or events.
    146. One Aisedhorian rodent subspecies evolved specialized glands, tongues or oral structures to enhance their ability to produce, perceive and transfer different taste
    147. taste-based communication  prefers  short noun phrases and simple tense constructions to minimize confusion between "taste words" 
    148. In the Taste extension or dialect of Aisedhorian multiple tastes are combined simultaneously, creating a combinatorial "taste alphabet" with an extremely large number of possible "words".
    149. Concentration variation - the intensity or concentration of different tastes is Varied  to  encode more information.
     150. The Black furred Aisehodorian sub species  evolved additional and modified taste receptors in order to distinguish a wider range of tastes needed for their language.
    151. Black Aisedhorian taste language can perceive bitterness, saltiness, sourness, sweetness and even "molecular tastes".
    152. Non black Aisedhorians can learn to speak the taste language and the language is still a part of the Aisedhorian language as a dialect
    152. Black Aisedhorians Combine  taste with other modalities like smells, sounds and gestures to  significantly increase the number of possible "words'' in their language,
    153. Black Aisedhorians evolved specialized organs to enhance their ability to perceive different tastes, concentrate chemicals, and transfer tastes to others.
    154. Over time, Black Aisedhorians needed to develop conventions for assigning meanings to tastes, determining word boundaries, and other linguistic rules.
    155. Black Aisedhorians transfer tastes to listeners, by touching tongues, spitting chemicals, or releasing airborne particles.
    156. Black Aisedhorians string distinct "taste letters'' together in sequences to form "taste words" and phrases 
    157. Black Aisedhoria uses  different chemical compounds to represent letters, syllables or words.
    158. In Black Aisedhorian dialect Each "taste" signifies  a specific sound or meaning. 
    159. sprays used in Aisedhorian to create a scent script/writing system
    160. Aisedhorians spray different scents to represent different symbols, characters or words.
    161. Aisedhorian has a "smell alphabet" with distinct scents representing each letter or symbol.
    162. Aisedhorian Scent script Varies  the strength and duration of sprays 
    163. In Aisedhorian Stronger or longer sprays represent capital letters 
    164.weaker or shorter sprays  signify lowercase or smaller symbols.
    165.  Aisedhorian sprays  distinct scents in sequences to form words or phrases
    166. Aisedhorians spray different scents onto surfaces like walls, floors or objects to "write" messages that could be smelled and read by other Aisedhorians.
    167. Aisedhorians combine sprays with ultrasonic vocalizations, gestures or other communications
    168. Aisedhorians developed  conventions for how and where to apply the sprays, as well as a shared understanding of what the various scents represent creating a “reading culture.
    169. Aisedhorian has a system of egophoricity, where speakers indicate their own involvement in an action or event.
    170. Aisedhorian makes  use of ellipsis (omission of words or phrases) in certain contexts, such as in casual speech or when information is highly predictable.
    171. Pheromones released during speech  provide evidentiality information, indicating whether a statement is based on visual, olfactory, or other sensory evidence.
     172. Pheromones are  used to distinguish inclusive from exclusive pronouns, with different scents indicating whether the listener is included or excluded 
    173. Territorial marking pheromones function like punctuation or prosody, segmenting speech into units and marking phrase and clause boundaries
    174. Through classical and operant conditioning, specific pheromones became associated with particular concepts, objects, or events, functioning as a type of iconic symbol.
    175. The pheromones released by speakers  indicate their social status, gender, or other traits, allowing listeners to appropriately adjust register, formality, and pronoun choice.
    176.  Pheromones carry aspects of meaning, functioning similarly to tones, stress, or other suprasegmental features. The scent of words influences their meaning and/or nuance
    177. Aisedhorian has a rich system of morphological derivation, allowing for the creation of new words and forms by adding and altering morphemes
    178. Aisedhorian has dedicated reflexive and reciprocal constructions to indicate when an action is performed on oneself or between multiple participants, respectively.
    179. Aisedhorian distinguishes between inalienable (e.g., body parts, kinship) and alienable (e.g., objects, property) possession, with different grammatical constructions and agreement patterns for each type
    180. Aisedhorian makes  extensive use of suprasegmental features such as stress, tone, and pitch to convey meaning, emotion, and intent.
     181. an ideographic writing system with symbols representing ideas or concepts is used alongside the existing logographic system.
    182. A nominal case system in addition to a verbal case system (if present)
    183. Sophisticated derivational morphology for creating nouns from verbs (verbal nouns), diminutives (nouns of smallness), augmentatives (nouns of largeness), and more.
    184. Elaborate systems of demonstratives, locatives and directionals to ground events in space
    185. Holograms and illusions with smell and taste used as a media form
    186. Development of discourse markers and conjunctions to relate clauses and sentences
    187. Detailed noun classification system based on animacy, shape, function
    188. Presence of grammatical aspect and mode to provide details about event structure and modality
    189. presence of a copula in predication
    190. Presence of consonant clusters in Aisedhorian
    191. morphemes are joined together in a linear fashion to express grammatical categories and create complex words as part of a agglutinative system,
     192. The sensual properties of smell, taste, touch, and sound are used to determine the grammatical gender of words
    193. Aisedhorian  makes  heavy use of onomatopoeia and ideophones to convey meaning.
    194. low tones and back vowels for words connoting largeness and danger
    195. high-pitched and front vowels used for words associated with smallness and liking,
     196. Repeated and drawn-out vowels used to  emphasize duration, iteration, or intensity. 
    197. Linguistic enclaves  exist resulting in sociolectal variation within Aisedhorian
    198. Non-vocal sounds like scratches, clicks, and whistles  take on lexical or grammatical functions
    199. The orthography and writing system to convey olfactory information uses   certain pigments, inks, or abrasives that release specific scents when read.
    200. abstract concepts defined not just linguistically but also sensorially.
    201. time involves a particular smell, texture, and combination of noises/clicks beyond a simple lexical definition. 
    202. There are  multiple distinct "high" and "low" speech styles.
     203. Words and morphemes specifically meaning 'from above/below' and upwind/downwind' reflecting Aisedhorian physical and sensory environment in line with complex locative systems
    204. High levels of homonymy and polysemy as scent, sounds and gestures are co-opted for multiple communicative functions
    205. Morphosyntactic marking of degrees of "access" or "distance" in auditory, olfactory  and tactile modalities.
    206. The spoken dimension of Aisedhorian has its own genres and rhetorical structures.
    207. Grammatical constructs optimized for frequent interruptions and breakdowns in communication - for example, allowing speakers to "pick up mid-stream" after distraction
     208. Specialized punctuation or prosodic markers indicating urgency, threat-level, positiveness and other attributes
    209. agents often equals scent-makers, recipients equals receivers of touch/taste
    210. Variation in speech register corresponding to factors like hormone levels, health status, and emotional state
    211. a system which maximizes the amount of biologically-relevant information that can be transmitted per unit time/effort, exploiting all available sensory channels in an integrated fashion
    212. Specialized grammatical markers indicating when information is sourced from olfactory vs auditory vs tactile modalities.
    213. A high degree of grammatical periphrasis, with multiple sensory channels employed redundantly to convey a single meaning
    214. Spatial language is  nuanced, with Special case markers dedicated to precise locational details, distinguishing not just relative directions but also positions based on pheromone trails, vibrational echoes, and other information.
    215. Flexible syntax and word order that varies based on pragmatic factors like attention state, time pressures and environmental factors
    216. Aisedhorian developed  specialized vocabularies, grammars and pronunciation variants optimized for communicating with each different species.
    217. Through extensive language contact, Aisedhorian communication modalities like smell and touch  shifted  in usage  functioned better to align with and complement the modalities employed by the other species increasing  mutual intelligibility through Overlap and integration
    218. Aisedhorian is the Lingua Franca of the continent of Aisedhoria
    219. Over generations of contact, Aisedhorian developed  into a fully mixed language with elements of the varied input languages.
    220. Aisedhorian developed  specialized vocabularies, grammars and pronunciation variants optimized for communicating with each different species, but those specializations followed the linguistic rules of Aisedhorian
    221. As concepts from the other languages were incorporated into the  Aisedhoriam lexicon, the meanings of existing Aisedhorian words both  expanded  and narrowed to accommodate semantic overlap and distinction this led to the reorganization of Lexical fields within the language
     222. Whisker vibrations that are produced by whiskers themselves as they move through the air.  Aisedhorians can sense these high-frequency vibrations and  incorporate them as phenomes. 
     223. Before the invention of the archival or historian script historical texts needed over frequent  retranslation ()
    224. Archival script based on the stable green sapient  snake  script and the rules of the ritual archival script of the black giant sapient snake script that is optimized for historical preservation due to being invented by priests of the Karshagian god of time 
    225. Additional contrastive phenomena in all modalities - more tones, manners of articulation, olfactory qualia - utilized to construct a larger lexicon and semantic space within memory constraints.
    226. Gestural "dialects" that emerge specific to different rodent species and subspecies with different physical capabilities are  incorporated into the overall system as sociolects.
     227. emphasis and pause in speech
    228. intonation for different sentence types and moods
    229. Use of breathy and creaky voice phonation
    230. Inherent plural and singular forms for nouns
    231. Social deixis markers
    232. Brail exists to incorporate physical communication into written form
    233. Dynamic changes in language due to geographical and dialectal variation
    234. Tongue clicks used as phenome
    235. Pictograms present as a redundancy
    236. Subjunctive moods play a significant role in allowing speakers to describe hypothetical situations or make requests.
    237. Compound tenses present in Aisedhorian
    238. Tonal accent helps to  distinguish between homophonic words or marking the prominence of certain aspects of the message over others
    239. Because of factor 238 tonal accent is marked in writing
    240. Complex verbal conjugation systems present in Aisedhorian
     241. Pitch is also marked in Aisedhorian scripts
    242. Aisedhorian has a system of clitics and particles for grammatical marking and emphasis ()
    243. Aisedhorian has a system of tense and aspect marking
    244. Aisedhorian has a system of mood and modality marking 
    245. Aisedhorian has a system of voice and valency marking
    246. Use of music and rhythm in Aisedhorin
    247. Aisedhorian has a system of honorifics based on age, status, and profession
    248.  Aisedhorian  has a system of reduplication for emphasis and intensification
    249. Aisedhorian has a system of nominalization and verbalization for creating new words
    250.  metaphorical gestures used to convey abstract concepts
     251. idioglossia is present in close-knit groups and families
    252. Aisedhorian exhibits  a high degree of morphological productivity, allowing speakers to create new words and expressions by combining existing morphemes in novel ways
    252. Aisedhorian has  a complex system of kinship terms that reflect the social structure and relationships among the sapient rodents
    253. Different tail positions and gestures convey specific meanings and are integrated into the language.
    254. Aisedhorian rodents use various paw gestures to express emotions, intentions, or to emphasize certain aspects of communication.
    255. Nest building is a form of artistic expression in Aisedhorian among many Aisedhorian speaking species
    256. Aisedhorian incorporates melodic patterns, rhythmic structures, and tonal variations to convey emotional nuances and aesthetic qualities
    257. Aisedhorian incorporates a rich set of food-related metaphors and expressions to convey various concepts, emotions, and experiences.
    258. Aisedhorian language utilizes a highly expressive morphology, allowing for the creation of new words and forms through reduplication, infixation, and circumfixation.
    259. In Aisedhorian , specific words and expressions are used to describe and convey the significance of grooming rituals and their social implications. 
    260. Aisedhorian incorporates a multi-modal approach to communication, where different modes complement and enhance each other.
    261. In the language, specific words and expressions are used to describe and convey the significance of grooming rituals and their social implications
    262. Smell and taste needs  to align with other aspects of the language such as verb conjugation, gender agreement, and tone when used linguistically
     263. Aisedhorian makes use of reduplication to emphasize plurality
    264. Specism constitutes a linguistic taboo
    265. Whisker vibrations an important linguistic modality in Aisedhorian
    266. Some scripts like scientific writtings, poetry, calligraphy and graphic design have letters of varying size some scripts like everyday speech, educational materials, government documents have the same sized letters
    267. Underlining is used to signify if a sentence is a question
    268. Crossing out parts of a word is  used to distinguish meaning in words 
    269. Underlining is used as a diacritic mark
    270. Over-lining used as a quotation mark
    271. Equal status of secondary variants
    272. Aisedhorian has transparent lexis
    273 Aisedhorian is less restrictive on vowel combinations
     274. Aisedhorian has a regular morphology
    275. Smell taste and touch dictionaries present in Aisedhoria 
    276. Many sources of smoke used in Aisedhorian smoke based communication reducing its health risks
    277. Machine activated scents used in Aisedhorian
    278. Machine activated vibrations used in Aisedhorian
    279. Verbs can be used to modify other verbs
    280. Gel pens present in Aisedhorian
    281. Personification common in Aisedhorian
    282.apocope is present  in fast or casual speech.
    283.fortis-lenis distinction at the phonetic level, with fortis consonants and long vowels signaling emphasis
    284. Gold is common and is used in record keeping.
    285. Stamping one of the many things used in  Orthography 
    286. blends most common forms of abbreviation in Aisedhorian
    287. Diacritics common in Aisedhorian 
    288. Double negatives and Positives are not considered grammatical errors
    289. Accented diacritics present in Aisedhorian
    290. many  languages absorbed into Aisedhorian and rendered dialects
  • Arignite
    1. Free of euphemisms 
    2. Feminine dominant
    3. The abessive case is present 
    4. acronyms are pronounced as single words (NATO, laser) are the main form of abbreviation in Aisedhorian
    5. For marginally acceptable sentences a twirl is used as an acceptability marker 
    6. Head middle language 
  • Gnollish
    1. Gender nuetral
    2. Little linguistical Policy 
    3. Lots of dialects 
    4. the extent to which a speaker can retrieve a linguistic unit from memory is high
    5. abrupt (adj.) A term sometimes used in the distinctive feature theory of phonology, as part of the phrase abrupt release: it refers to a sound released suddenly, without the acoustic turbulence of a fricative, as in plosive con- sonants. Its opposite is delayed release, used to characterize affricates.
    6. Initialisms or alphabetisms reflect the separate pronunciation of the initial letters of the constituent word main form of abbreviation 
    7. No Abessive case,replaced by post positions  
    8. there is a restricted distribution of tone within words
    9. Gnollish uses  word order forms  the expression of reflexive meaning. 
    10. More adverbs are used then pronouns 
  • Hellion and Sarnan
    "Hellion (Star 1):
    • Radius: 699,226.7 kilometers
    • Hydrogen Abundance: 71.2%
    • Helium Abundance: 8.3%
    • Metallicity: 0.38% (3.8 x 10^-3)
    • Mass: 2.148228 × 10^30 kilograms (preliminary estimation)
    • Density: Approximately 1.6736 × 10^9 kg/km³
    • Volume: Approximately 1.31316 × 10^30 cubic kilometers
    • Average Density: Approximately 1.634 × 10^9 kg/km³
    • Total Binding Energy (U1): Approximately 2.3096 × 10^36 joules
    • Central Density (Hellion): 1500.1605932993 kg/m³
    • Density at r = 500,000 km: 4.633 kg/km³
    • Composition:
    Sarnan (Star 2):
    • Radius: 699,496.94 kilometers
    • Hydrogen Abundance: 73.1%
    • Helium Abundance: 8.0%
    • Metallicity: 0.4% (4.0 x 10^-3)
    • Mass: 2.14751 × 10^30 kilograms (preliminary estimation)
    • Density: Approximately 1.6730 × 10^9 kg/km³
    • Volume: Approximately 1.31377 × 10^30 cubic kilometers
    • Average Density: Approximately 1.634 × 10^9 kg/km³
    • Total Binding Energy (U2): Approximately 2.3101 × 10^36 joules
    • Central Density (Sarnan): 1497.921756058127 kg/m³"
    • Composition:
    Binary Suns' Orbit:
    • Semi-major axis (a) ≈ 8,851,342.7 km (calculated using aphelion distance)
    • Semi-major axis (a) ≈ 7,242,383.3 km (calculated using perihelion distance)
    • Eccentricity: Low (Circular orbit, e=0)
    • Aphelion distance: 17,702,685.4 kilometers
    • Perihelion distance: 14,484,766.6 kilometers
    • Barycenter: The point between Hellion and Sarnan where their combined gravitational forces balance.
    • Critical semi-major axis (a_critical) ≈ 912,136.81 km
    • Orbital Velocity (v) ≈ 1.6927 × 10^10 m/s
    • Gravitational constant (G) ≈ 6.7 × 10^-11 m³/kg/s²
    Orbital Period: 7.582315856878782e-07 years
     Surface Gravity:
    Surface Gravity (Hellion): 294.387366549432 m/s²
    Surface Gravity (Sarnan): 294.06162955657385 m/s²
    Equatorial Rotational Velocities:
    • Equatorial rotational velocity of Hellion ≈ 14,319,468.180376153 m/s
    • Equatorial rotational velocity of Sarnan ≈ 14,314,309.130738953 m/s
    Mean Molecular Weight:
    • Hellion mean molecular weight ≈ 5.739 g/mol
    • Sarnan mean molecular weight ≈ 5.975 g/mol
    • Average mean molecular weight ≈ 5.857 g/mol
    Escape Velocities:
    • Escape Velocity (Hellion): 641.6284077782867 km/s
    • Escape Velocity (Sarnan): 641.397240477751 km/s
    Gravitational Force:
    • Gravitational force (F) ≈ 2.324 × 10^26 N binary star system (Hellion and Sarnan), the gravitational force between the two stars would be: F ≈ 2.324 × 10^26 Newtons (N)"
    Gravitational Redshift for Hellion: 2.28e-06
     Gravitational Redshift for Sarnan: 2.28e-06"
    Synchronization Timescale for Hellion-Sarnan Binary System: 4.551038964253281e-18 seconds
    Roche Lobe Radius for Hellion: 4336964.608037462 kilometers
    Roche Lobe Radius for Sarnan: 4337351.233654434 kilometers
    Orbital Speed for Hellion: 127518.44551059765 m/s
     Orbital Speed for Sarnan: 140949.72919194907 m/s "
    Tidal Force on Hellion: 3.6269e-02 N
    Gravitational Force on Hellion: 2.9439e+02 N
    Tidal Force on Sarnan: 3.6296e-02 N
    Gravitational Force on Sarnan: 2.9406e+02 N
    Main Sequence Lifetime for Hellion: 8.36 billion years
    Main Sequence Lifetime for Sarnan: 8.37 billion years
    Schwarzschild Radius for Hellion: 3.1985e+03 meters Schwarzschild Radius for Sarnan: 3.1974e+03 meters"
    Semi-Major Axis of the Barycentric Orbit: 10240612.368513269 kilometers–10,240,612 kilometers.
  • Clam-plants
    In the Eastron and Kitnelta oceans, there exists a thermo-chemo-photo-wind synthesis occurring within a single organism. We already have mimiscus, a mollusk-worm that hardens like bones, mimiscus-dandelion that generates static electricity, mollusk that stores fruit or seeds, and slime. We have considered plants with amber or resin-like attributes, as well as fungal slime or protein filaments. These filaments absorb water, grow with nutrients, and use hormones, but they are not hair. They grow off clams and resemble long grass. The filaments compete with Worm-grass. The shelled "mollusks' ' that are also found in freshwater environments grow to large sizes and have protein filaments growing from the shell. Hair is not as hard as stems, but its structure determines this. Perhaps the "mollusk" outgrew its shell, covered the shell with flesh, and subsequently developed hair. Hair can function as tubes to filter water. Metal that transforms into hair becomes straw-like. Metal combined with protein filaments creates tube-like structures. Some terran mollusks possess feathers. These filament-like "feathers'' could filter aquatic environments to some extent but increase vulnerability to predation. The fur could actually provide protection to the outer shell layer of flesh, causing the filaments to tangle and shed. The feathers, if at the bottom, may act as an additional defensive layer and further filter the environment, potentially braiding the filaments to prevent tangling. Furthermore, nutrients gathered by the filaments could also be processed by the feathers.
    Water. Filament. Feathers. Flesh. Shell. Holes in the shell, or holes in the shell if it contains hair inside. Powering the filaments involves a symbiotic relationship with algae that get caught in the hair, or with slime that the filaments can grasp easily, enabling passive feeding. The slime aids in digestion or energy conversion and is internal to the organism. If the "clam" were a true "plant," it would likely be stationary, possibly burrowing. It would possess glue, a shell at the bottom, tentacles, another set of shells, tentacles, more glue, sediment or algae, dirt, and tentacles with wide suction cups at their ends, which are sticky. Possibilities include the evolution of setae. While Earth's octopuses possess suctions, this is not Earth, so the aforementioned characteristics could be the original form of the Mulikhund.
    Mulikhund creatures initially had sections: suctions. In their original form, the clam-like creature described above possessed body parts for photosynthesis. The suction cups transformed into leaves as the creature grew larger. It had a vascular nature, a viral-synthesis mechanism, and a chlorine-based nature. The suction cups or bulbs helped with distributing pressure throughout the body, and the organism had tentacles resembling those of jellyfish with suction cups on top. Its reproductive method was asexual. Photosynth worms are more asexual, using fragmentation and acting as parasitic grass. Carnivorous grass was invented some time ago, but it will be discussed later. Inside the clam, there should be jellyfish-like flesh, a specialized type of tissue, and sponge-like tissue. The creature's structure can be graphed as follows: 5 ft water, 4 ft suction leaves, 3 ft tentacles, 2 ft protein filaments, 1 ft feathers, 0 ft sponge, -1 ft slug-like flesh, -1.5 ft shell (with holes), 3 internal filaments, a junction that regulates pressure like an organ or lever room, jellyfish-like tissues in the lever room, and -2 ft holes in the shell.
    Feathers and protein filaments compete for suction in the ground, acting as anchors. Chemosynthesis plants release fluid that is similar to that of vascular plants, although it is water-based and only wets the leaf without squirting out. The shelled plant discharges eggs using seed dispersal, similar to the ecballium, to protect its suctions from creatures that seek to consume it. Possibilities for the plant's characteristics include jellyfish-like stingers, shell-like structures for the leaf, folding and closing like an anemone, and having a layer of algae covering it. The algae may even be a type of fungus that places the leaf inside the filament layer upon contact, establishing a symbiotic relationship. Photosynth worms are dominated by the clam, similar to the relationship between a sundew and its sub tentacles. A mechanism for pumping out seeds exists, and the organism also produces oxygen, impacting the soil.
  • Operation Silver Dragon
    The 7 serpent-sorcerers were a bunch of serpents who took their advanced technological gear. They were immortal and distorted in body shape looking like dragons from self genetic engineering. They ruled as gods of the god of slavery tchmut. They were a race of in the late delpsan period. They founded an empire with a very sophisticated system of caste and chattel slavery. This empire lasted for thousands of years. They created a mythology of being like the Earth Jesus chosen by tchmut and were treated as gods and claimed to be so. In the late Delpsan period, they planned to do all this to create a new utopia using the science paramilitary scholarship of the 7 and the Tchmutist priesthood. They took those abandoned in the delpsan penal system and kidnapped subjects of the delpsan empire. They did this in secret, and mutilated them with experiments destroying their sapience like reavers in firefly. The seven serpents conducted genetic engineering completely changing their body forms in secret labs. They're plan to kill most of their subjects and turn them into literal beasts of burden. The 7 also worked on bioweapons claiming it was to crush an ancient enemy testing them on those subjects they kidnapped. The 7 created "zones of divine contemplation" where this took place. The largest project was the weapons system Holy Storm of Judgement that purifies and cleanses which triggers an artificial thunderstorm that continues to compress energy creating more clouds spreading viruses in the air. The viruses target specific species and have wide areas and kill within hours. Breeds faster than a virus naturally would due to the pressure but the Virus is attracted to specific DNA of the species that HSJPC is targeting breeding with great speed inside the host.
    HSJPC was created in missiles and launched in secret missile silos. Research into artificial thunderstorms was the basis as the seven hoped to wipe out their population over wide areas. A continent away, a coalition of states vowed that delpsan slavery called servitude (which was so sophisticated that it was like the soviet union but for capitalist ends - the Delpsan empire didn't last this long by being cartoonishly evil and the seven are more secretly burgsys from TNO then cartoonishly evil) was wrong even as serfdom and had memories of tchmutist destroying the draconic empire in Valar through civil war. The Delpsan colonies came under assault. The military of Delpsa that is beyond the scope of this prompt answer despite crushing many attempts to defeat the colony the Valarians researched with urgency to match the tech, never surrendered and kept coming not even the hantathopy (see picture above) could stop the Eastron coalition advance. They then through [redacted out of scope of current prompt} took the megacity of Ahnsuhar in continental delpsa and defeated the Ahnsuhar navy. Operation Dragons fist commenced.
    Operation Dragons Fist is described by Michael: "So, as mentioned above, to the SSL, if they die, Delpsa doesn't deserve to go on. But also, being near godlike in their abilities, they do have a plan. The most devout cultists of Tchamaut are installed in prominent positions, and should the time come, they'll receive special orders to initiate Operation Dragon's Fist. ODF is the real reason for the bioweapons, though officially, it's the final deterrent to any revolt against the Empire. When ODF goes into effect, the bioweapons will be launched by The Chosen, obliterating every large settlement on the continent. If the SSL can't have Delpsa, nobody can. Not Osnarpists, not Karshag, not the slaves, not anyone. Once that is done, The Chosen will gather in a predetermined site in the rainforest that hasn't been bombed, and they will resurrect the SSL in a ritual carefully planned by the Serpent of Conjuration and Serpent of Necromancy. Once that is done, the revived SSL will lead The Chosen in rebuilding Delpsa as a utopian paradise, one with all the imperfections removed, which will last for the next 10,000 years.
    Obviously, this did not go according to sssaraku (translator's note: ssaraku means plan). So after the Seven Serpent Lords fall in the Battle of Arignen, The Chosen among the Delpsan government get to work, launching bioweapon after bioweapon into Arignen and rendering it a wasteland for about a century, and causing the mass genocide of the Giff as discussed above. However, when The Chosen commanders try to turn the weapons on Delpsan cities, they are overthrown by their own men, because shockingly, the average Delpsan soldier does not want to bomb their own homes. Due to the chaos, the full brunt of the bioweapons are not brought to bear anywhere outside of Arignen. It's not that Arignen was particularly despised, just that they were the first target of Operation Dragon's Fist.
    Infighting between The Chosen (what you might know better as Doomers) and the military elite of Delpsa would weaken their response, and in addition, once the Aegis learned of the plot to resurrect the Lords, they were able to foil it in the nick of time, scattering the physical remains into the river. The remnants of The Chosen collapsed, either surrendering to their local warlord or fleeing into the jungle and becoming the Cult of the Fallen Ones. The remaining bioweapons were captured after the Delpsan defeat in the Battle of the Ten Kingdoms and subsequently destroyed, a great relief to everyone involved.
    The triumphant military elites of Delpsa would finally halt the Eastron Advance at the Battle of Scivussar, but at the cost of their lives. By this point, the majority of the continent was in revolt, and no clear line of succession had been established, the remaining Delpsan generals and leaders retreated to the rainforest to attempt to reunify things from there, leading to the warlord period. The revelation of Operation Dragon's Fist would have likely dealt a huge blow to Delpsan morale, as it revealed that their leaders who were seen as almost gods were willing to murder basically all of them" (also in arignen the 7 destroyed the delpsan mega city and cities and weren't just willing were hellbent on it). More details about the mutiny have been discovered since then though alot of it is in the above text file, (and more information on ODF is likely beyond the scope of the prompt) it saw the Khlashigar ban tchmutism and commit defensive genocide on the tchmutists and seize most of the Missle silos though they failed to find the Seven's backup bunker who were months away from releasing dragons fist 2. It was also technically a mutiny against the delpsan provisional empire as the tchmutists tried to assert control of the delpsan state and force them to comply with ODF and following the taking out of hundreds of missile silos in places of divine contemplation described above there were tchmutist uprisings that were crushed but the mutiny by the Delpsan army took the tchmut cult by surprise and forced them on the defensive were they were slaughtered. Then there was night of the long knives type stuff where delpsan forces began cracking down on tchmutist elements and declaring martial law. There can be more details on the mutiny itself will send more stuff later also there are entire paragraphs of information related to ODS that havent been sent here(they should go in world log )though they don't deal with the mutiny itself in enough detail. There has been more information found about the ban on tchmutism and the bio nuking of the arignen sub continent.