

Release notes - Post types / Performance improvements [1.2.0]

We've been spending some time working on improving the post creation experience and performance of the app.

What changed:
  1. Added two additional post types to choose from upon post creation. We introduce a "Link" type that shows a thumbnail of the provided link, and an "Image" type that simplifies the upload process and improves the way images are displayed in our feeds.
  2. Improved the layout of the posts to put more emphasis on the titles to make it easier to parse information when scrolling the feeds.
  3. Added an "OP" badge on commnets to indicate the user who made the original post.
  4. Added "Activity" and "Recent" filters on the "Home" page. The activity feed shows posts based on the most recent comment and bumps.
  5. Fixed a bunch of minor UI bugs
  6. Improved the page load times to be up to twice as fast on the initial load
    1. A side effect of this is improved SEO